YouTube Content ID
With a valid license, my music is 100% allowed to be used in YouTube clips without additional payments or ads.
Option 1 - Claim at AdRev (Recommended)
Fill out this very simple form at Adrev with your video links and license certificate to quickly clear any potential claims. It takes one minute and the music is usually cleared before any claims:
Option 2 - Claim at YouTube after Copyright Notice
Wait until you get copyright claims from YouTube, and dispute the claims by inserting your license certificate.
Se this latest official guide - Buyers Guide To Resolving YouTube Copyright Claims - or follow the walk-through below.
If you get a copyright notice from YouTube, provide valid license/receipt for the purchased track:
- For Craze Music, attach the Licence/Contract.
- For other sites, attach/copy the corresponding license certificate/receipt. (If you don't have it already in your email inbox, the license/receipt can often be downloaded at any time from the site where you purchased the track.)
It is also recommended to type something like:
'License to use this music by Christian Andersson was purchased from [NameOfSite].'
Below is an example of how YouTube could display a Copyright Notice.

Many online based music composers have their content digitally fingerprinted via Content ID to help protect against unauthorized uses, and also use YouTube Partner platforms to administer and manage their content.
YouTube Content ID is a digital fingerprinting system that content creators can use to easily identify and manage their copyrighted content on YouTube. Videos uploaded to YouTube are compared against audio and video files registered with Content ID by content owners, looking for any matches. When a video is matched to Content ID registered content, a copyright notice will appear on the video, and the content owner may choose to take certain actions, such as:
- Clearing the claim and taking no further action
- Tracking the video's viewership statistics
- Monetizing the video by running ads against it
- Muting the audio that matches their music
- Or even blocking a whole video from being viewed
Since you have purchased a valid license, just insert your license/receipt, as shown above, and your clip will NOT be monetized or blocked.
Why is Craze Music in the YouTube Content ID system?
There are several reasons:
- There are individuals/companies that illegally submit my music into YouTube Content ID system to collect money (that should go to me) without my knowledge and permission.
- Some companies do this with the intention to double-charge my customers - they want payment for the YouTube clip even though a customer has already paid for a license somewhere else! Therefore, it is actually safer for my customers that I submit my material into YouTube Content ID system. Then you will never become double charged by some greedy company, claiming copyrights without my knowledge.
- There is money reserved (at PROs) to composers for their music being streamed on YouTube. Staying out of the YouTube Content ID system means that the composer cannot take part of this income.
- A Canadian TV Music agency (where I regularly get music placements) has asked me to join this system, partly because of the reasons mentioned above.
- Several sites sell Craze Music tracks, and some of them have big problems with credit card fraud, which means illegal copies of Craze Music IPR is continously being spread and used. Placing ads on those pirated music YouTube clips will at least give something back.
Craze Music uses AdRev, a YouTube Partner platform using the Content ID system to manage and administer copyrighted content on behalf of content owners. YouTube videos that contain licensed, digitally fingerprinted music, may give a 'matched third party content' copyright notice in the YouTube Video Manager. Sometimes, it is shown almost immediately, and sometimes, it takes up to a few days.
Craze Music (and associated sites selling music by Craze Music) provide license certificates and purchase codes that can be used to clear any copyright notice from YouTube. Again, if you purchased a valid license, you have nothing to worry about. Just provide the purchased license/receipt if/when a copyright notice is shown.
Note: Getting a copyright notice does not mean that copyrights have been infringed, and this shouldn't be confused with a YouTube 'copyright strike'. It's simply a notice to advise that YouTube has detected Content ID registered content within the video, and that further information/action is needed. If no action is taken, the clip will, per default, be monetized with an "ad".
Someone bought my game (with your music) and uploaded a gaming session to YouTube
With my music and AdRev, it's not a big problem for end consumers either, as I will explain below. But first of all, please note that an end consumer that buys an album of a music artist, a film, or a game does not automatically get the right to broadcast its media content freely over internet. That would completely destroy the meaning of the word "copyright". There is still copyright on the media.
YouTube is our biggest growing broadcast channel. Therefore, all film, music or other media that is broadcast with a detected copyright will yield some copyright notice (unless the artist does not care to protect and value his/her work).
Now, some YouTube copyright administrators could probably threaten will legal actions or copyright violation reports and warnings. But with my YouTube copyright adminstrator, AdRev, the only thing that happens is that an "ad" will be placed in the clip to monetize it for the copyright holder (=me). It means that I will get a couple of cents if the clip gets enough views (because my music is broadcast by an end consumer that does not have the legal right to do so). Therefore, end consumers uploading "Let's Play"-videos will just get an "ad" placed on their clip that can (most likley) be skipped in a couple of seconds.
How Game/Film/Product Creators can get Copyright Ownership of the Music
As a product creator, you can hire an artist (including me) according to "works-made-for-hire-contract" to write a soundtrack exclusively for your product. An artist signing a "works-made-for-hire" gives up his copyright, and the product creator becomes the copyright-owner, and also the one to allow/disallow end-consumer broadcast of the media. Needless to say, this kind of contracts will be more expensive than licensing off-the-shelf-ready-to-use non-exclusive tracks.
Thoughts on Copyright
Why do I have to control my copyright? If I don't control it, someone else will snatch it from me (read above). I'm just a completely normal artist that take my work - and copyright - seriously. I invest in new equipment and tools every year, with monthly server hosting fees. And of course monhtly bills just as anyone. It would be insane to give up copyright for anyone who wants to continue to work professionally with music.