Jonas Hornqvist - Fellow Composer at Craze Music

Craze Music is proud to present a new fellow composer, Jonas Hornqvist!
With vicious rage and exreme skillz on his favorite instrument, heavy metal guitar,
his brutal metal rhythms and licks will raise your awesome action productions to the skies.
Check out his amazing credits/CV below. And - of course - check out his kick-ass tracks!
Jonas Hornqvist is a Swedish composer and multi-instrumentalist who has released CDs on major labels all over the world.
He has also written two guitar books (both best sellers), performed live all over Scandinavia, and done countless sessions as a studio guitarist.
Jonas has extensive experience in composing/songwriting, arranging, and editing, with clients including
Ducati, Risenta, Pacific Interactive, Vapiano, AXS, Donna Cenino, and more. He specializes in Orchestral, Dramatic, Electronic, Rock among others.
Jonas Hornqvist's other credits include: Ducati (USA) Look n' Cook (Sweden), HLR Konsulten (Sweden),
Shore Sports Zone (USA), King Group Productions (USA), The B-Side Inc. (USA), Trollhattans Tomt AB (Sweden),
Greenhouse Gas Management Organization (Thailand), Filmfonstret Varmland TV (Sweden),
and the movies "Legend of a Hitman" and "John Hron" (trailer with Jonas music on YouTube).
Jonas is also endorsed by Fender guitars and kami pickups.
If you would like to get in contact with Jonas for ordered work or to get alternative versions of his tracks at Craze Music,
feel free to contact Jonas by email.
Tracks on Craze Music
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